Thursday, October 16, 2008

Catching Up

So much has happened: crawling, pulling up, eating solid foods (Jonathan); and potty training and puzzles (Caleb). Here's an extra long post due to the delay.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Beach and more

It's halfway through September! Ahhh!

Explanation: Large bubble machine on the boardwalk
The picture was about a half a second too late.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

June and July (not forgotten)

So I'm behind. Let's catch-up:

Two Boys


This is a nice artistic shot
(except for the elmo pjs)

Happy Boy

Screaming Boy (aka "the Velociraptor")


Teaching the boy about our alma mater

This water was cold...and Caleb didn't care.

Peeking and waiting after a nap

Caleb likes to hold Jonathan

Monday, June 23, 2008

Vlog - June 2008

Here are some recent videos that we love:

"Pretty funny"

"The Ninety-Nine" Song
w/ "been here all week"

"Come" (now is the time to worship)

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Family (May 2008)

Here are this month's pictures. As a warning, the last picture may not be for the faint of heart, so be careful as you scroll down there.

Sitting up on the couch

Playing on the tummy

The boys

Mother's Day 2008


Wide eyed 2

Mommy and the boys
in front of her rose bush
that was transplanted from Raleigh
(it was her first Mother's Day gift)

Caleb joining Jonathan in the fun

Hands in pockets

Sticking out the tongue

Warning: The following photo may make a person cringe.
The story: Memorial Day weekend, Caleb fell off the couch and bonked his head on the couch. We weren't even rough-housing. I looked at the back of his head and knew immediately that we were going to emergency room. I had my chin split open in gym class in high school and had to get stitches, and Caleb's cut looked like that, but smaller. It wasn't bleeding to bad, thankfully.
We walked to the emergency room (because we can here in the city). The nurses numbed the area while we waited. We were told that they don't use stitches anymore, which is good because we could hardly keep him still. On the other hand, they used staples! Yes, staples. And we will have them removed on Monday. His wound is healing well, and any scar will be under his hair in the back of his head.
So if you would like to see the picture of the staples, scroll down.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Kids (April 2008)

Yes, I know I owe everyone a post and that you've been checking this blog repeatedly for updates - you know who you are. I've been trying to get to this for a few weeks now, but haven't been able to. So this will be a reworked super-sized post. By the way, if you haven't read about my experience at Walmart, go check out that post as well.

Jonathan sleeping on the couch

Jonathan started communicating recently.

Snow storm over Easter in State College

Caleb has plastic bags on his feet,
because his parents didn't bring his boots.

Opening the eggs after the hunt

Jonathan likes peek-a-boo

He's pudging up.

Laughing and playing

More laughing

...even while sleeping

Peanut butter and marshmallow


Making chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs
after most of the Easter candy was gone

Making blue icing for Daddy's cake

Hopefully this will hold you over
until the next post.