This month we've been living with our good friends Brynne and Brian while we've been searching for a house. We're happy to say that we will be moving into a new house this weekend. But before we get to that, here are some pictures from September - the month of the Nomads. A lot has happened, so here we go:

Fall means Apples!


Learning to use a spoon properly

Caleb and Brian dressing alike

Caleb riding high with Brynne


Petting a baby llama at the (Ephrata) State Fair

Daddy's sheepish about Caleb hogging the limelight

The ladies making 46 quarts of applesauce!

The guys digging in the yard

Learning to use a real cup

Maybe this will work for Caleb's first album cover

Teaser: Caleb in front of our new house
(more pictures next time)